Independent Equity Research
on actionable L/S situations
Analyses driven by individuals with extensive backgrounds in the financial industry, including hedge funds & other buy-side institutions.
Equity Research
Independent research on companies in actionable situations within our sectors of expertise
- Our Investment universe comprise around 35 companies.
- In-depth, objective analysis on Long and Short situations.
- Updated regularly (results / significant events).
- Includes Downloadable financial models.
Macro & Insights
Articles analysing current topics.
- Comments & strategies to deal with current market situations.
- Sector-wide analyses covering the situation of an industry (usually related to Equity research).
- Asset flows, Equity flows…
Investor Resources
All our analysis tools at the investor’s service
- Data Center with all info (Income Statements, metrics, analysis, sector comparison, Earnings transcript…) of >120companies (universe industry comparable).
- Continuous analyses on market situations.
- Investor tools (All available to download).
Other sections
Detailed industry guides, Valuation tutorials and articles about markets instruments designed to enhance your investment knowledge.
Week in the Markets
Summary of the most relevant events, supported by concise one-pagers on the performance of the main indices, assets classes and companies.
Portfolio Management
Weekly commentary on our views regarding the current market situation and an update of our illustrative portfolios of Small Caps and All Asset Classes.
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Why Us?
MORAM Capital offers top-tier company analysis and macroeconomic insights, focusing on small-cap companies across the US, UK, Europe, and Australia.
With a team of certified professionals, all of them with careers in the financial industry, we aim to provide deep analysis, objective criteria and investment resources to help both our institutional clients and retail investors to take better investment decisions.